Hear my cries oh Lord, this world has nothing for me. My soul is torn between this place and home. How I yearn to be closer to you and in some way bring honor to your holy holy name. Search me oh great Lord and show me how to be less so that you can be more. Teach me to follow you and put you first in all my thoughts and actions. Lord, I give my soul, my body and my mind to you. I give my family to you and trust you with all that I am. Lord forgive me for complaining and not doing as you instruct without hesitation. Lord forgive my selfish desires. Search me oh great I AM and cleanse the worldly from within. Lord, show me how to care for your children and give more of what you have blessed me with. Break my heart and open my eyes to the needy all around me. Show me how to pray for them and do what I can for them.